A list of webtools we used:
- Padlet for brainstorming and gathering some information,
- StoryJumper to create an international book - a comic book
- QR Code Generator for creating codes (information about yourself, advice for safe Internet use),
- Google maps for location presentation,
- Joomag for creating a multimedia presentation,
- Mindmaps for gathering information about countries, cities, schools,
- FlipSnack for creating electronic books,
- Pollations for creating quizzes on countries,
- EasyPolls for international voting,
- Jigsav Planet for creating a puzzle,
- PhotoScape for photo processing,
- WordArt for creating word clouds,
- to manage WebQust,
- Skype for communication,
- Lino to monitor activities
- Word and PDF for creating documents
- Google's drive to collaborate on materials
- LearnningApps for creating quizzes,
- YouTube for publishing movies,
- website for creating a project website,
- Voki to send wishes,
- Piktochart to develop survey results,
- SchoolExpress for creating language games
- Kahoot and Quizizz to control the level of mastery of the new vocabulary,
- Quizlet for language exercises,
- ClassDojo to assess students' activity.