About the project
1. Short description
The project involves the exchange of information on:
- favorite sports disciplines with the presentation of these disciplines that pupils are doing,
- the impact of sport on human health and life,
- sport as an area that connects different nations.
By exchanging information students will develop communicative competences in L1 (mother tongue), L2 (English) and even L3 (other regional languages).
2. Communication language: English
3. Age of participants: 12- 15 years
4. Subject areas:
- sport,
- free time activity,
- health.
5. Tools:
Tricider, cloud, Googlemaps, Thinglink, Voki, Movie Maker, Emaze, Prezi, JigsawPlanet, FlipSnack, YouTube, Padlet, Quizlet, Blendspace, Lerningapps, Kahoot, Calameo, Speakingphoto
6. Aims:
• exchangin information on favorite sport disciplines,
• promoting active time,
• Knowing the partner countries, their geography, history,tradition of the country
· fighting transnational threats to sport such as doping, aggression, racism and intolerance
• sharing everyday things, learning about the reality of teenagers living in different European countries,
• improving language and information skills.